About me!

Hi friends! My name is Aarushi (she/her) and welcome to my blog πŸ’– I’m a 19 year old reader and decided to start this blog so I’d have a place where I could write down all my bookish rambles and thoughts!

I try to read from a wide variety of authors, genres, and stories. That being said, I largely favor fantasy, contemporary, and historical fiction. As a WOC, it is also very important for me to support and read diverse books with lots of representation. Also, very important to know, I’m a proud supporter of friends-to lovers, morally grey characters, and found family trope is superior.

Fun facts:

πŸŒ• I’m an avid fan of sitcoms and believe they’re the best form of television
πŸŒ– I’ve never really understood the Myers-Briggs personality types, but am an ISFP myself
πŸŒ— I am very organized and have every day scheduled to a tee on my Google Calendar
🌘 Outside of reading, my other hobbies include hiking, biking, writing, and watching new shows and movies
πŸŒ‘ My favorite character in the MCU is a tie between Peter Parker and Loki
πŸŒ’ I love watching movies, like I said before, and my favorites are anything with Saoirse Ronan
πŸŒ“ Standalones > series
πŸŒ” I get into reading slumps way too much

Favorite books:

Gone (series), Percy Jackson (series), The Hunger Games (series), Monday’s Not Coming, The Astonishing Color of After, Eliza and her Monsters, A List of Cages, Daisy Jones & The Six, Legendborn, Six of Crows (duology)

where you can find me

I hope you enjoy your time on my little corner of the internet ✨ Please don’t be shy to leave a comment or reach out using my contact form if you need anything!

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